Hi Randall,
I am glad that you got your graphix card working.
Would you be able to share what you had to do for the old HD 5450 to
get it working?
I have unused laptop which I would like to donate to a friend and I
believe that it has the same graphics card HD 5430/5450/5470. I will be
reinstalling it to 42.2 this or next week before handing it over, and
your experience could save me time researching the same issue.
Thank you, Tomas
On Sat, 2017-04-08 at 18:01 -0700, logical american wrote:
> On 4/8/2017 12:53 AM, Tom wrote:
> > I am able to set the resolution to max and lower values my monitor
> > supports in 42.2 KDE: Configure Desktop -->  Display and Monitor
> > What is you graphic card/CPU? I had no issues with Intel internal
> > graphics forever.
> > If it is not graphic card related, then your problem may be - the
> > monitor is not auto detected properly hence you cannot use its full
> > native resolution.
> > What does xrandr say your max resolution is?
> > Did you try different cable for the monitor?
> > Using dual monitors can also cause these problems from time to time
> > -
> > If I remember correctly - when my monitor setup fails (undock
> > before
> > full shutdown, or try to dock powered laptop, etc.), I boot to text
> > mode or as different user and remove this directory:
> > ~/.local/share/kscreen (or was it whole .kde4 dir???) then login
> > again.
> > I learned to avoid causing myself trouble, so it is hard to
> > remember
> > now.
> > There used to be (not anymore) wonderful tool called SaX for
> > resolving
> > these issues - I believe that it was modifying /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> > These days everything is autodetected, but you could play with
> >   /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-monitor.conf
> > See Monitor section of: man xorg.conf
> > Check this article for guidance: 
> > https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Configurin
> > g_graphics_cards_and_monitor_settings
> > As about obtaining correct resolution, hsync, vsync and refresh
> > rates
> > for your screen - this maybe tricky - you might have to try to
> > temporarily boot Knoppix or old 13.2 from USB stick and see what
> > they
> > were using.
> > Our old Visio TV is causing these kind of (and worse) problems - it
> > is
> > pretending to be HD, but the panel is some weird non standard,
> > lower,
> > definitely not HD resolution. So, I get to have similar type of
> > "fun"
> > from time to time - at least I can resolve it with enough
> > determination
> > in Linux. There is no chance to get proper image of that beast in
> > Windows, not that I care (TM).
> > Good luck, Tomas
> > On Fri, 2017-04-07 at 22:25 -0700, logical american wrote:
> Tom:
> Here's the true story.
> 1. System has the ATI Radeon HD 5450 graphics card, supported by the 
> flglrx kernel module in openSuse 13.2
> 2. Leap 42.2 does NOT support the video module.
> 3. After upgrading system, system failed to autoload the correct
> radeon 
> kernel module.
> 4. I had to change a couple of boot up files in the /etc/init.d and 
> /etc/sysconfig areas to autoload the module on boot up.
> Things are okay now, back to native 1920x1080i resolution.
> Randall
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