You can submit a resume to a staffing agency like Cinder, and list your 
skillset and desired work environment. I know that CS graduates can get 
contracting positions (not ideal, but it is a foot in the door) that will 
provide that key experience that everyone wants before they're willing to risk 
hiring someone as an FTE. It's at least a potential (income generating) route 
while you get situated with what you want to do with your career. Unless you 
want to be a system administrator or IT guy though, I'll second Benjamin's 
response, that FreeGeek is awesome for A+ skills and general Linux skills, but 
not for programmer job training.

Ronald Bynoe
On Wed, 2017-04-12 at 12:49 -0700, Michael Christopher Robinson wrote:

If I do a 3-6 month Internship at FreeGeek, what is the minimum number
of hours needed to put it on my resume and become employable?  I have a
CS degree, but I don't have work place experience and can't get a job
anywhere in the Portland area.  I want to specialize in network
security and I want to work on Unix and Linux based systems.  Another
option is learning how to build web sites that are fancy and properly
encrypted.  I'm trained in programming, but without training I can't
break into the industry.  Nobody in Portland seems interested in
inexperienced computer scientists.

One problem, I have recurring costs where FreeGeek can't pay anything
to their volunteers.  The longer I work at FreeGeek the better it
looks, but the less time I have to earn money.  I can drop
Comcast Internet and use my father's DSL, but that's about it.
I need my smartphone, $40.75/month, and I'm paying for a burial policy,
$11.20/month.  Once a year I incur significant cost paying for hosting at Eskimo North, the domain name through, and the security certificate.  I also pay for a VoIP
phone once a year through Phonepower.  That should be coming up in
May.  I have about $10k in student loan debt on income based repayment,
I've been paying about $100/month on it even though I don't have to pay
anything for a while longer and I can apply for more IBR deferment.
This is enough complication, but I'm engaged and hoping to get married
seven months from now.  I probably need to be taking home a minimum of
$2000/month to live on my own in Portland.
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