On Thu, 20 Apr 2017, Paul Mullen wrote:

> Just to review...  You run `tree` in your terminal and it looks normal.


   Yes, the urxvt supports unicode, and the file command tells me the
character encoding is utf8.

> Then you cut and paste into another terminal window and end up with a lot
> of control sequence gibberish. When you sent the above-quoted message, did
> it appear to be koi8-r-encoded?

   If I tell tree to use utf8 or us-ascii I get the control sequence
gibberish. When I paste (or insert) the tree output (without specifying a
character code) into a composing alpine message something changes the
character encoding to koi8-r.

   The command to invoke alpine specifies urxvt but that's ignored and the
alpine window frame shows it's an xterm. Could this change character
encoding of the enclosed text only with line drawing characters included?


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