On Thu, 20 Apr 2017 17:50:55 -0700
Chuck Hast <wch...@gmail.com> dijo:

>My machine did its updates the other day, after doing so I have found
>that something has been messed up with the upgrade. Now when the
>screen goes dark for a long period of time, and I go to wake it back up
>all I get is a gray screen. It does show the cursor and it follows the
>mo- vement of the mouse.
>If it has been dark for a shorter period it will come back. No issues,
>but after some point in time being dark it only comes back to a deep
>gray screen
>I end up doing a skill on that session from the console and then
>restarting I am trying to figure out where to poke and try to fix it.
>It almost looks like  the signin screen is just not popping up the
>login, but not sure. I look at syslog and see nothing that rings a

1) What is the distro and what is the desktop environment, what video
hardware does the machine have, and which video driver(s) and which
version(s) of it/them are you using? Ditto for power management stuff.

2) Get a list of all the updates that were installed during the update
and scan through them for anything suspicious.

3) Check the forums/blogs/listservs for your distro to see if this has
already been reported. If not, once you have the above information,
report the problem.
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