On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 5:34 AM, Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:

> Though a computer _user_ from vacuum tube era, I'm still new to Linux.
> I run Debian Stretch (Testing) and typically install using Synaptic or
> apt-get.
> I am currently running Tomboy 1.14.1 from the Debian repository and wish
> to run the latest version from upstream. There is not a .deb package for
> it. I have downloaded & extracted
> <https://download.gnome.org/sources/tomboy/1.15/tomboy-1.15.8.tar.xz>
> to a directory set aside for non-Debian software.
> What to do after having backed-up my existing notes?
> I suspect it's only a couple of commands.
> What I'm looking for is some documentation describing the process.
> A cookbook solution would be nice but my goal is to know what I'm doing.
> My motto is "If retirement isn't for education, what use is it?"
While there may not be a deb package, it is possible that you can build one
from the source. Try this


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