How to choose a license for your own work:

Various Licenses and Comments about Them:

On July 19, 2017 4:07:11 PM PDT, "Brian P. Martin" 
<> wrote:
>I think this is going to be the beginning of a long thread -- or else 
>I'll get crickets.
>I have some BASH scripts, PERL scripts, PERL modules, sample 
>configuration files, etc. that I want to publish.   I know that there 
>are those are on the list that have studied open source software 
>licenses a lot more than I have.  I'd like to get some help narrowing 
>down the licenses I should consider.  Here are my requirements:
>- Anyone should be able to have free, unrestricted use to the material 
>for their own internal use, be those private or commercial.
>- No one should be able restrict others from using it.  That is, they 
>can't copyright or otherwise legally try to control it themselves.
>- I don't care if someone sells a work that includes my code (e.g. they
>build and sell file servers, and use my code inside as part of the 
>larger operation).
>- I would prefer that people can't sell my code as-is, or with trivial 
>modifications, but that may be splitting things too fine.
>- I'm not terribly concerned about attribution, except perhaps for the 
>benefits of preventing people from selling the material when it is 
>already available for free.
>There are probably other scenarios I haven't considered, and I'd be 
>interested in being enlightened on those topics, too. Currently I'm 
>leaning towards the 3-clause BSD license, but I'd like the input of 
>people that know more about the topic.
>                       -B.
>Brian P. Martin, Chief Consultant
>Martin Consulting Services, Inc.
>Phone: 503-617-4500
>PLUG mailing list

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