On Sat, 23 Sep 2017, King Beowulf wrote:

> Check the permissions or /home/rshepard/authorized_keys on the server.


   They're all 644 except for my private key which is 600.

> Secondly, did you already set /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
> PasswordAuthentication no

   Yep. That's standard here.

> IIRC, that should be "yes" until after you copy the key. ssh-copy-id needs
> to login via user/password in order to copy the key since the server does
> not yet have the key.

   Did not see this on the man page or the web pages I read. I wondered how
the transfer would work and did not realize that it should be by password.

   Changed PasswordAuthentication to yes, stopped/started rc.sshd. Tried
ssh-copy-id rshepard@salmo on the Dell with the same failure message as

   Reset PasswordAuthentiation back to no on the server, copied the public
key from the Dell to the server's authorized_hosts files via USB flash drive
(the modern sneakernet). Now the Dell and server communicate.


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