>>>>> "Rich" == Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> writes:

Rich>    It's taking much too long to configure this new router; the
Rich> short story is the need to download and install a firmware (OS)
Rich> upgrade and reboot the router. Did that and completed the WAN
Rich> configuration of the router. A message popped up telling me to
Rich> connect the laptop to a LAN port, set it to the proper subnet, and
Rich> connect to the router on it's new IP address:

Rich>    So I configured the connected laptop (running
Rich> Slackware-14.2/64-bits) back to the subnet and
Rich> rebooted. Each time I switch subnets I need to have the kernel
Rich> re-read the Ethernet port configuration file
Rich> (/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf) and re-start the internet daemon
Rich> (/etc/rc.d/rc.inetd restart). Having done this (multiple times
Rich> this weekend) I still cannot ping the router on its IP address
Rich> ( from the laptop (

Rich>    Eth0 shows the proper IP address and is UP and
Rich> RUNNING. /etc/resolv.conf is correct. Trying to ping fails:
Rich> 'network is unreachable.' That's usually a resolv.conf problem or
Rich> the kernel not finding the proper IP addresses.  Re-starting
Rich> rc.inet1 and rc.inetd this time do not resolve the issue. Web
Rich> searches found nothing useful.

Rich>    I'm at a loss of what else to try; perhaps I'm in a rut and
Rich> cannot see other possible causes of not connecting. Please let me
Rich> know what I've missed here so I can try to complete configuring
Rich> this new router.

Howabout DHCP?

Russell Senior, President
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