On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 5:00 PM American Citizen
<website.read...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> I have been running a mathematical programming language on my openSuse
> Linux system, but have noticed that running programs in this language
> seem to be chewing up physical memory, but not releasing it back when
> the program is terminated, or killed. Once I had all 32 gigs of memory
> allocated and about 12 gigs of swap, leading to a severely swamped
> system, which I barely recovered from.
> Is there any command that can be run, to recover good physical memory? I
> know rebooting the system will recover the physical memory, but this is
> the last step.
> I suspect a memory leak in the programming language as the cause of all
> this.
> Thanks for your input.
> Randall

If memory is not freed when the program terminates, that seems to me
to be an operating system bug, not a programming language bug. How do
you know the program actually terminated and how do you know the
memory  is not being freed?



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