On Tue, 9 Jan 2024, Rich Shepard wrote:

Has anyone here experiences with SendGrid or MailJet? If so, please share them with me, good and bad.

I use SendGrid for outbound mail from madboa.com because most large mail services nowadays don't trust one-off cloud VMs to send mail. (Which isn't stupid, per se, but is frustrating since I have gone out of the way to do all the right things regarding DMARC, DKIM, SPF, etc.)

Anyway, I use smtp.sendgrid.net as my relay host; it requires a (free, for me, since I don't send much mail) API key to use.

It mostly works. There are two irritations for me:

First, sendgrid must either sell its mailing list or there is a known way to harvest sendgrid user accounts because I get phishing/spam concerning (not from, just concerning) sendgrid with some frequency.

Second, if you send mail to a non-existent account, you don't get a direct SMTP notice. I've had to log into sendgrid's web interface to inspect and/or empty that list. Until you remove the address from that online list, you can't send mail to it again. (This is an issue for me at work, for reasons I don't care to explain here.)

Paul Heinlein
45°22'48" N, 122°35'36" W

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