On Fri, 22 Mar 2024, American Citizen wrote:

A few years ago, I took my Linux OS which is openSuse Leap v15.3 or so and ran a check on the documentation such as the man1 through man9 pages (run the %man man command to pull all this up) versus the actual executables on the system.

I was surprised to find < 15% of the command executables were documented. Naturally I was hoping for something like 50% to 75%.

If I am going to talk to an AI program, such as ChatBot or one of the newer popular AI program and ask it to generate the documentation for the complete OS, what AI chatbot would you choose?

My idea is to clue the AI program into the actual OS, then ask it to finish documenting 100% of all the executables, or report to me all executables which have no available documentation at all, period.

I'd be interested to know your definition of "command executables." Is it everything in /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, and /usr/sbin, with perhaps /usr/libexec thrown in for good measure? If not, can you provide your criteria for inclusion?

Presumably, you ruled out all hard and symbolic links, and you accounted for documentation in Texinfo format, not just man pages.

I have no hands-on AI experience, but I do offer couple alternative strategies that might assist:

First, try invoking each executable with common help options: -h, --help, -?, or even 'help' itself. If there's good output, I suspect you could pipe it into txt2man or a similar utility to generate a basic man page.

Second, on rpm-based systems, the package might catalog other documentation (likely, but not necessarily, in /usr/share/doc). The shell-ish logic to unwrap this might be something like

for PROG in /usr/bin/* /usr/sbin/*; do
  # rule out symlinks, though this is debatable
  if test -L $PROG; then continue; fi
  # see if rpm thinks a package owns $PROG
  PKG=$(rpm -qf $PROG 2>/dev/null)
  # if so, do a cursory look for documentation
  if test -n "$PKG"; then
    rpm -qd $PKG | grep -i $PROG

The "grep" in there might be a bit limiting, but "rpm -qd" can be quite verbose for some packages. Season to taste.

Paul Heinlein
45°22'48" N, 122°35'36" W

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