That wouldn't be a good gift for a low income child since the child's family
does NOT have the money to keep Apple supplied with cash.  It's like giving
a new Mercedes to a poor person who needs a car, they can't even afford the
clothes needed to be allowed to step on the Mercedes dealership property let
alone pay for an oil change.

As for a school, if you can find one with a fleet of 2020 Macbook Airs, the
gift would be great, but as an admin of a large fleet of machines in a
non-profit, I can tell you that anything anyone gives us that does NOT
exactly match our existing fleet models goes straight to the garbage.  It
costs us more to process an outlier machine in labor than replacing it.  And
we buy off-lease.

If you can find some very small private school they might like it.  But then
you are donating to the wealthy.

Unfortunately the widow's desires are pretty standard from someone who knows
nothing about how the computer industry functions.  A 2020 Mac Air was
designed as an accessory for a young hipster with more money than sense.  It
has no real functionality other than to be used as a brag device and once
it's older than a year, it's usefulness for that task is over.

If the widow really wants to donate to an underprivileged child her best bet
is to sell the thing on Ebay to a hipster-wanna-be and take the money and
buy a brand new low-cost laptop running windows 11 Home that is in S mode
and give it to the low income child.   Win 11 Home S mode is about the most
useless operating system on the planet but it is supported up the wazoo and
will run a web browser that will display everything, which is really what
the low income child needs (said child may have zero interest in computing
tech, BTW)

Fortunately for the window's moral sensibilities, there's enough low income
kids out there smart enough to take the gift and immediately flip it so the
machine itself won't collect dust.  Of course, they probably will just buy a
new phone with the money but the widow will feel better about "helping the
poor" or whatever.


-----Original Message-----
From: PLUG <> On Behalf Of Keith Lofstrom
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 4:34 PM
To: Portland Linux/Unix Group <>
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Schools using macbook air computers

many people said:
> I would love to use a 2020 Macbook Air.  

Before this goes too far ... the macbook was found by the widow of a friend
who died two weeks ago.  It is HER goal to find a school for it, or a
low-income child for whom it could make a big difference in life. 

Helping a child would entail other obligations, hence a school is better for
*ME*, or a school with volunteers who can help a low-income child with
maintenance and sysadmin.

We have time to make arrangements; another urgent task just got pushed on
the stack, long story to tell later.  I may be offline for a day or ten.

Keith L.

Keith Lofstrom

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