My switch from SpiritOne to Frontier FiOS has been an education because I
once again have a static IP address and am seeing a bunch of issues not
before encountered. Most I've resolved, two remain.

  When I tried sending a response to John yesterday it was rejected by because of a failed reverse DNS lookup; the PTR record points to rather than because Frontier
assumed I have a a mail account with them. After a half-hour on the phone
with their service rep yesterday he learned that the folks who can change
the PTR record don't work weekends. Sigh. I'll take care of this tomorrow.

  My DNS records are now fully SPF-compliant, thanks to help from an IT mail
openSPF expert in Dublin. Mail sent from both my domains to pass the SPF test.

  The remaining issue is getting openDKIM to pass the
verification. Yesterday I installed it (using a package) and
ran through the setup of keys, known hosts, etc. following a blog page based
on CentOS. When I start opendkim it does so and tells me it's running. But,
when I send messages to it does not see DKIM.

  I still cannot load; traceroute fails at 13 hops: ( 25.898 ms ( 24.978 ms
25.118 ms

  This is all terra incognita for me and I would like help checking
configuration and everything else to find why it starts but is not seen by a
mail recipient.

  If you understand opendkim and will help me get it going, please contact
me off the list.

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