What is the goal of the basic?

Just dinking around?

Or creating value of some kind?

Or solving some particular problem?

The default language that I point purple to is JavaScript, since it is so
ubiquitous and since it solves many problems in the default user interface
these days.

It looks like there are three versions of basic transpired to JavaScript


So JavaScript has some versitility

On Dec 15, 2017 6:07 AM, "Richard Owlett" <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:

> The thread titled "Learning programming" prompts to ask.
> I'm looking for a _simple_ BASIC, similar to "Dartmouth BASIC" or
> "Lawrence Livermore BASIC", to run on my Debian machine. Modern Basic's are
> too powerful and filled with glitter.
> I have mind some simple scripts. I'm learning Tcl which is appropriate for
> most if not all of my needs. But my intro to programming used CORC/CUPL
> (Cornell's predecessor of Dartmouth's BASIC) and I would like to use
> something I'm fluent in. I wouldn't miss requiring line numbers. I might
> even use a GOTO or two. (an elderly owl does expect to duck for cover ;)
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