> On Dec 15, 2017, at 6:25 PM, Ishak Micheil <isaa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think we're trying to solve the easy path of egress traffic, which is
> good.
> Yes, indeed validate by simple nslookup www.google.com
> Or
> Do I understand correctly that no ingress traffic too? How did u validate
> that? If the answer is yes, then it's frontier that should be able to help
> you.
> What is your frontier modem model?
> Once I know the model I can walk you possibly to the modem logs.

I’m beginning to believe the pertinent questions revolve around knowing what it 
was that caused this in the first place.

The options I got today from the DSL tech at Frontier have me well on the way 
to “fixing” this issue - - I am becoming more interested in the cause.

I’m not much more than moderately adept at networking in general, but I do know 
events like I’ve been experiencing are not normal and, in many ways, almost 
impossible to happen - - but they did. So logic tells me something had to have 
caused this.

Soon as I can fix up this router issue, I believe the issue will clear, giving 
more time to figure out why and how.

Thanks to all for the help


10 to the 12th power microphones = 1 Megaphone

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