try sudo wmctrl, the same way you're doing sudo zenity.


On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Denis Heidtmann <>

> I have a script which runs daily via anacron.  I want the script to launch
> a zenity window to notify the user, so I issue the command wmctrl -k on
> before zenity and wmctrl - off after.  This  is supposed to minimize all
> open windows to ensure that the zenity window will be visible.  I  have a
> test script to show that it works.  Both scripts are owned by root, but
> editable by me.  I  have run the test script from a command  line login
> using sudo, as well as from a Gnome terminal.  The test script behaves as
> intended--the desktop is cleared of all open windows.   I inserted a test
> zenity window at the beginning of the real script to verity that when
> launched by anacron it would behave the same way.  It does not!  It does
> not minimize open windows, but the zenity window does appear on top of the
> open windows.
> What is different about the anacron launch?  I have been monkeying with
> this thing for quite a while.  I tried wmctrl -R but that did not behave as
> I had hoped.  wmctrl -k does what I want except when anacron is doing the
> launching.
> Ideas?
> -Denis
> Test script:
> #!/bin/bash
> # test to get zenity to work when script is not called from an X window
> # change to a non-X login (^ alt F2), call this w/sudo, then go back to X
> (^ alt F7)
> # to see if a zenity window shows up.
> # feb 5 2018 the above worked--all open windows minimized.
> Notification () {
> # pass title, text of notice, and timeout as 3 parameters
> TITLE=$1; MSG=$2; TIMOUT=$3
> wmctrl -k on
> sudo -u household zenity --question --title="$TITLE" --text="$MSG"
> --timeout="$TIMOUT"
> wmctrl -k off
> return $RETRNCODE  # return codes: 0 = YES, 1 = cancel, 5 = timeout
> }
> sleep 30
> export DISPLAY=:0
> # test of launch of zenity
> Notification "Test of zenity (backup_checksh)" "This should minimize all
> open windows." 20
> # remove when satisfied that launch works.
> Top of real script:
> #!/bin/bash
> Notification () {
> # pass title, text of notice, and timeout as 3 parameters
> TITLE=$1; MSG=$2; TIMOUT=$3
> wmctrl -k on
> sudo -u household zenity --question --title="$TITLE" --text="$MSG"
> --timeout="$TIMOUT"
> wmctrl -k off
> return $RETRNCODE  # return codes: 0 = YES, 1 = cancel, 5 = timeout
> }
> export DISPLAY=:0
> # test of launch of zenity
> Notification "Test of zenity (backup_checksh)" "This should minimize all
> open windows." 5
> # remove when satisfied that launch works.
> MAX_TIME=$((7 * 24 * 3600))
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