On 02/27/2018 06:47 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
On Tue, 27 Feb 2018 17:48:07 -0800
Rigel Hope <g...@rigelhope.org> dijo:

Im sorry i dont have anything more constructive than "have you tried a
command line apt update followed by upgrade?” to offer.
I love the GUI, but when it goes awry I switch to the command line if I
can. Instead of mysteriously evaporating from the screen, the command
line is better at giving real error messages.

I have also been having issues with Update Manager lately, similar to
what Dick reports, including failing to find the internet. Because of
the problems, which I assume are bugs, I don't even try Update Manager
anymore. When I want to do an update I launch Synaptic, which I find
more reliable.

In that case are you updating specific packages? I've depended on Update Manager to know what needs updating. Is there some tool in Synaptic to check for what needs updating?


Dick Steffens

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