Try Alt+Tab to switch to different running application. You could also try
Alt+F1 for desktop menu or Alt+F2 and start terminal ...

On Thu, Jun 21, 2018, 1:50 PM John Jason Jordan <> wrote:

> I installed kodi, a media player that is designed to turn a computer
> into a media center. It has some interesting features so I'd like to
> use it now and then. But apparently it never occurred to the developers
> to add an option to run it in a window instead of full screen. When it
> launches it takes over the screen so I cannot do something else while
> watching a video. I spent an hour searching for a solution and came up
> empty-handed.
> I opened the .desktop file that installing it created (Synaptic on
> Xubuntu 16.04), where I found a lot of actions, including
> 'Actions=fullscreen;standalone;' which I deleted, leaving just a
> bare-bones .desktop file, but it still comes up full screen.
> Before I uninstall it and go back to living my life, I am wondering if
> there is something I can add to the 'Exec=kodi' line in the .desktop
> file to force it to behave and cooperate with other applications
> running on the computer.
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