While on my recent trip I was getting frequent errors when I started up Ubuntu 16.04 on my laptop, a ThnkpPad X200 Tablet. Now that I'm back and have the time I decided to run memtest86 to see if there were any memory problems. I started it last night and noted that it was progressing. This morning it appears hung. I'm using Memtest86 from a USB stick that has UbuntuMATE 18.04 on it.

Here's what's on the screen:

      Memtest86+ 5.01       | Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU L9600 @ 2.13GHz
CLK: 2128 MHz  (X64 Mode)   | Pass 82% ##############################
L1 Cache:   32K  13055 MB/s | Test 48% ##########################
L2 Cache: 6144K   9252 MB/s | Test #10 [Modulo 20, Random pattern]
L3 Cache  None              | Testing 2048M - 3034M    986M of 3990M
Memory  : 3990M   3523 MB/s | Pattern f88c8ec6-7           | Time:   0:26:28
Core# 0 (SMP: Disabled)               | RAM 532 MHz (DDR2-1064) = BCLK: 266
State: / Running...                   | Timings: CAS 7-7-7-20 @ 128-bit Mode
Cores:  1 Active /  1 Total (Run: All) | Pass:      0 Errors:      0

Memory SPD Informations
(This part of the screen is blank -- no red error messages)

(The bottom line on the screen has:)

(ESC)exit  (c)configuration  (SP)scroll_lock  (CR)scroll_unlock

The + after Memtest86, above, is red and blinking.

Other than that, the screen has not changed since before I started typing this email. Am I correct that it is hung? If so, what is that telling me?

I don't need to use the laptop for anything right now, so I'll leave it in its current condition for now, in case someone wants more info.

Thanks for any advice.

Spell check humor: Thunderbird wants to change ThinkPad to Stinkpot, with an alternate choice of Kneecapped.


Dick Steffens

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