Hello all,

650ish General mailing list members, 15 ~ 80 meeting attendees, a hand full of steam attendees, and 10 ~ 20 clinic attendees seem somewhat satisfied with PLUG. I have not been available to aggressively find speakers but you have all been good about referrals, resulting in a steady stream. August is OPEN and Randal Schwartz is penciled in for September.

That said:

I have applied to the Software Freedom Conservancy to see if they can hold the pdxlinux.org domain name in trust. They said yes and hopefully I can straighten this out during OSCON. It is in David's name and he has obviously been less involved in PLUG though he showed up last night!

Wes has concerns about PLUG infrastructure after a spammer went a bit wild. Thank you everyone who helped with straightening that out. He, Joey at Spiretech and I have discussed a few of the issues that need addressing. A few facts and thoughts:

1. Thank you Spiretech for hosting the PLUG web site and mailing lists!

2. Thank you Joey for being great to work with. Contact Joey if somehow you can't reach me, David, Wes etc.

3. Thank you Wes and Michael R for moderating the lists. We need to verify that you have access to all of them and if you need any help.

4. Daniel. Do you have mailing list archives to share? I know you were re-stitching them at one point. WHO WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER TO HELP WITH THIS AND IS GOOD AT IT?

5. Thank you Wes for hosting the Clinics, plus whoever else is chipping in. Let's talk Free Geek access. Their building use policies have evolved over the years. Please share any concerns with them. I am unfortunately unable to attend them.

6. The web site is up to date and has been for years. There was a time that it wasn't.

7. "... is totally messed up and we can't find Michael or anyone". My phone number has been on the web site for years and will work when I travel. Call me if you cannot reach me by email. There are zero excuses for not being able to reach me about any PLUG issues.

8. I have not burned out at 150 or so speakers and am happy to continue. PLEASE, PLEASE send me recommendations as I don't have the time to hunt for folks like I used to. If you want to replace me can can sustain it for 5 ~ 10 years, simply ask and prove that you can. I simply want PLUG to continue.

Thank you everyone who has helped make PLUG happen!

Keep the concerns/suggestions/love mail/hate mail coming!

All the best,

Michael Dexter
PLUG Volunteer

PLUG mailing list

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