On Sat, 15 Sep 2018, logical american wrote:

Is there anyone who has a server which offers the following capabilities?

1. private mail server
2. chatgroup host (and backup of conversations)
3. remote file repository

The system I desire is to be designed for non-linux people.

I wish to talk with such a person and learn what tweaks in the operating environment have to be done to support such a server. I know that a domain name has to be acquired along with an SSL certificate, but what other incidentals are needed? (such as big back-up drives)

I only have questions at this point...

Will this server sit on the public Internet and serve requests from anywhere, or will it be on a private LAN with no Internet access?

By "private" mail server, what exactly do you mean? Will it accept inbound messages from the Internet? If so, what does "private" connote for you?

What sort of chat tools do you expect to be available? Will you need one-to-one chats? Group chats? Both?

What sort of tools are your "non-linux people" capable of using? Just a web browser? A tool like Filezilla? Within the repository, how fine grained do you need access-control mechanisms to be? That is, if I upload a file, will I need to be able to define exactly who else can read and/or write it?

How resilient does this system need to be in the face of, say, a bad hard drive? How much data will be stored in the repository? How many users will access the system?

Paul Heinlein
45°38' N, 122°6' W
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