On 12/4/18 1:57 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
I have a PDF file of visuals for a presentation I'm making next week. Each slide is followed by a page of speaker's notes. I want to print the file in
two columns, the slides in the left column and the note for that slide in
the right column.

  There is apparently a Windoze product that does this and my searches for a
linux product have been unsuccessful ... so far.

  pdftk can suffle and burst the file into individual pages, but I don't
see how to re-assemble them into a two-column document.

  Any and all ideas, suggestions, recommendations, and advice will be

Possibly too manual, but after bursting, but start a new document in landscape, and put the individual pdfs in the left column of that new document and type your notes in the right column?


Dick Steffens

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