While this is not exactly what you are asking - consider installing and
using Kodi with wireless mouse/keyboard for playing media.

With Kodi - if you can see the screen and have wireless mouse, then you can
control the player.

Otherwise, wireless mouse/keyboard works well with mplayer from a distance
too. :-)

Hope this helps,

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018, 7:24 AM Dick Steffens <d...@dicksteffens.com wrote:

> Thanks for all the replies. I'll give them a try when I get some time.
> As I think through the process, I'd:
> SSH -X into computer B from computer A.
> Start Mplayer with -display :x (whichever one works)
> At that point, the video is displayed on computer B, and input comes
> from computer A. I see from:
> http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/MPlayer.html#commandline
> that there are a number of keyboard controls I can use, and I could set
> up a remote with LIRC, which I still have from back when I was using
> MythTV.
> If those assumptions are correct, then this should be a workable
> solution. Actually, Mplayer by itself may be a workable solution without
> using the laptop. Part of the issue is being able to see all of the
> screen. This TV doesn't handle under-scan, so the edges are not
> displayed. But with keyboard control, that may not matter.
> Anyway, when I get the time I'll try them both and report my results.
> Thanks again for the replies.
> --
> Regards,
> Dick Steffens
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