On Jan 7, 2019, at 3:30 PM, Paul Heinlein <heinl...@madboa.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2019, Tomas Kuchta wrote:
>> Yes, the file serving part works, and is observable in the logs. There is
>> good visibility on client side with curl or browsers. When Apache executes
>> it, I get the output html/json/.... When it doesn't work, I get to download
>> the code.
>> I usually build couple of identical machines and synchronize their
>> config/content. Still, when one machine in the pair is stubbornly refusing
>> to run some stuff, it takes a lot of diffing, renaming, rebuilding, ...
>> What makes Apache to choose to execute some files and not the others, is
>> the $M question.
> There are a few possible answers.
> First, the non-executing scripts may live in a directory not identified by a 
> ScriptAlias directive or in a directory that doesn't have "SetHandler 
> cgi-script" and "Options +ExecCGI" configured.
> Second, if the CGI script is handled by an interpreter (/usr/bin/perl, for 
> example, or /usr/bin/python) the #! line may be incorrect or the file may not 
> be marked as executable in the filesystem.
> Third, the CGI script fails to set the Content-Type header of the return text 
> correctly. Use "curl -I <<your failing url>>" to see. In cases where it's 
> failing, you're probably getting "text/plain"; but where it's successful 
> you're seeing "application/json".
> Those are the most likely cases I can imagine.
Don't forget the script extension for CGI, and also file permissions of the 
script itself.

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