On 1/7/19 2:59 PM, Ben Koenig wrote:
the blacklist file prevents Nouveau from loading, but if you need to double
check that it actually worked you use 'lsmod'
I pipe the output to grep to shorten the list:

$ lsmod |grep nouveau

root@ENU-2:~# lsmod | grep nouveau

This will output a single line if it finds the nouveau kernel module, or do
nothing if nouveau is not loaded. Do the same for the nvidia driver:
$ lsmod |grep nvidia

root@ENU-2:~# lsmod | grep nvidia
nvidia_drm             36083  2
nvidia_modeset       1100086  3 nvidia_drm
nvidia              14351241  84 nvidia_modeset
ipmi_msghandler        37262  1 nvidia
drm_kms_helper        119698  2 i915,nvidia_drm
drm                   323926  6 i915,drm_kms_helper,nvidia_drm
i2c_core               48117  7 drm,i915,i2c_i801,i2c_dev,drm_kms_helper,i2c_algo_bit,nvidia

If both drivers are loaded at the same time, you will have problems
If neither driver is loaded, you will have 2D performance only.
If nouveau is loaded, but NOT nvidia then nvidia-settings will crash and

Find which of the 2 modules you have currently loaded in your kernel with
Then check the nvidia packages you have installed:
$ ls /var/log/packages/ |grep nvidia

root@ENU-2:~# ls /var/log/packages | grep nvidia

None of the above suggestions are fixes, just triage. What is broken
depends entirely on the output of lsmod vs the nvidia programs you have

nvidia-settings runs.

/etc/X11/xorg.conf 73 lines, starting with:

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings:  version 390.87  (root@ENU-2)  Sun Jan 6 15:29:25 PST 2019

It also has a set of lines:

Section "Device"
    Identifier     "Device0"
    Driver         "nvidia"
    VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
    BoardName      "GeForce GT 610"

(When I saved that configuration there were two screens. In this file I only see screen 0. Should I try running nvidia-setting again as root, which I did the first time) and see if the changes stick?


Dick Steffens

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