On 1/8/19 9:17 PM, Ben Koenig wrote:
Ah ok, so you got the driver going. Technically it is working the its
supposed to ;)

The config file lives in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Only root has access to this
folder so when you try to "save" the config, it actually just saves a
temporary copy. I think it puts it in your home directory somewhere. You
are supposed to copy it as root to /etc/X11/xorg.conf

I've been running nvidia-settings as root and saving directly to /etc/X11. Just now I tried it as you suggested and saved xorg.conf to my home directory. I then started a terminal, logged in as root, cd'd to /etc/X11, renamed xorg.conf to back it up, and then copied /home/rsteff/xorg.conf to /etc/X11. Then I logged out of root, logged out of the current X session, and logged back in. Same result. Next I tried a restart. Same result.

BTW, when I start a terminal I expect to see a prompt that looks like:


But what I see is:


Is that normal?

When I log in via ssh I do get:


That said, I have no idea if it will work. creating a manual xorg.conf is
not really the official way to do this anymore. Modern X servers use
template configs to generate a complete xorg.conf on the fly. The
SlackBuild you installed actually includes a mini version of this config to
get X to "see" the driver.

You can create an entirely new xorg.conf and do it the old school way if
you still want, but if you don't get all the different sections in there it
can be pretty wonky.

Try to copy the file to /etc/X11/ as root and restart X. If you have an old
xorg.conf file that you know works from Ubuntu it might do exactly what you
want. Unfortunately Ed is the expert on doing this since he has the big
Nvidia multi-monitor setup, I never touch xorg.conf manually these days.

I tried that just now, changing the GeForce 210 to GeForce GT 610. Same result as all the other times.

I must be missing something.


Dick Steffens

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