I forgot to mention that the script does whatever you want it to do.  This 
could as easily be the actual shutdown command.  It doesn't have to be a 
wrapper for anything.   Our script is a menu of options.  I'd recommend (from 
experience) including a prompt that asks is this really what you want to do 
before it shuts anything down.  

Cathy L. Smith
IT Engineer

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Operated by Battelle for the 
U.S. Department of Energy

Phone: 509.375.2687
Fax:       509.375.4399
Email: cathy.sm...@pnnl.gov

-----Original Message-----
From: plug-boun...@pdxlinux.org <plug-boun...@pdxlinux.org> On Behalf Of Rich 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 3:27 PM
To: Portland Linux/Unix Group <plug@pdxlinux.org>
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Allow user to shutdown host

On Wed, 27 Feb 2019, Smith, Cathy wrote:

> You can just set up an alias in .bashrc or whatever file is used for aliases. 
>  That's what I do for folks here.  I have a group set up for people needing 
> to use a command.  I edit the sudoers file once to set things up.  It looks 
> like
>         %hradmin  ALL=/usr/local/bin/hradmin.sh
> I make the hradmin group a secondary group for the user.  For example, for 
> the user account greg
>       usermod -a -G hradmin  greg
> Then Gregg has in his .bashrc
>       alias hradmin='sudo /usr/local/bin/hradmin.sh'


Thanks very much. I always learn so much from you professional system/network 

> Names have been changed to protect the innocent.


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