You can use the chattri command to make the file unchangeable to 

Cathy L. Smith
IT Engineer

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Operated by Battelle for the 
U.S. Department of Energy

Phone: 509.375.2687
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-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Tyrell 
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 10:37 AM
To: Portland Linux/Unix Group <>
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Controlling resolv.conf...

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019, 13:44 <> wrote:

I have Spectrum cable where the ethernet connection to the modem receives a 
dynamic ip address from Spectrum along with wrong name servers.

This is correct for resolv.conf:

resolv.conf get's overwritten though by the modem...

No, not "by the modem," but rather "From the modem," or more specifically, 
"From the DHCP server in the modem."

The distinction is that your machine does not and should not let any device 
untrusted by you to access your machine, especially not the modem.

So, instead, Network Manager (Or, more specifically, DHCPd) is asking the DHCP 
server for it's host configuration, and it's using it.

To be clear, Spectrum isn't "Forcing" these settings on you, your machine is 
asking for them. This, however, is not what you intended for it to do.

I'm on a Debian Linux system. I need to ignore the nameserver settings from 
Spectrum and the Spectrum search line.
Something called resolvconf will allow me to do this???

I don't know about resolvconf, and have never used it before...

When I want a client host to use DHCP to get an IP addresses but NOT DNS or any 
other settings,  I configure NetworkManager to "Use DHCP Address Only."

Details on that method and two other approaches are available here:

Another thing I'm wondering about is what the proper firewall settings are to 
allow clients on my RFC 1918 network to use the proxy on my server. I'm also 
wondering about the legality of sslbump and what people who have deployed this 
can tell me about enabling https support in squid?

You are overthinking this... There is no legal problem with you doing anything 
you want to any packet inside your network... It's your network...
You can do anything you want...

You can even use Penetration Testing software to "Hack" your own network...
That's what "Penetration Testers" and "Ethical Hackers" do. Sometimes, big 
companies even pay people to try and hack their Network. Network security is 
big money. It's only illegal if you trespass, or if you steal something, or you 
go somewhere you aren't supposed to...

The internet is like the real world... Don't do things that are illegal in the 
real world, and you will be OK.

For example... It's probably legal to open your wife or daughter's mail...
It's probably not mail fraud or anything, I mean, you are living at the address 
on the label, and you are probably legal proxy enough to avoid trouble... Mail 
Fraud doesn't even apply to the internet, so opening your family's internet 
packets is doubly legal.

What you are trying to achieve is a "Transparent Proxy;" The "proper" way of 
doing it is to NOT do a Transparent Proxy, and instead configure each client to 
use the proxy as appropriate; Maybe block un-proxied access to the WAN at the 
firewall, but DON'T do a outbound port redirect to the proxy. The reason this 
is is correct is that you, as system admin, really have no business breaking 
SSL... Even for your family. It's kinda like reading your daughter's diary... 
It's not that it's illegal, one may even be able to justify it to themselves... 
But it's kinda just not very polite.

Theoretically, I could have a list of https sites that are allowed and disallow 
all others and not have a legal problem.

Again, you don't have a "Legal" problem at all... Just an ethical one.

But your wrong about how one whitelists and blacklists at the firewall: You 
can't do it by URL, you have to do it by IP address... Some Enterprise Layer 7 
firewalls try to emulate that effect by tracking sessions by IP, Port, and DNS 
Lookup, but it's not available on Linux or FreeBSD firewalls, and it's far from 
foolproof... Let's postulate that two popular domains are both hosted by AWS, 
and have the same IP... How would the firewall track both sessions? Thus why 
only Enterprise routers have the feature...

With google pushing web sites
to go https, it's not just banks and credit unions using it anymore. Even 
google search is https. Uge!

This isn't Google being evil... This is Google telling web admins that 
protecting their customers privacy is not optional, and isn't acceptable...
This is a GOOD thing, and to advocate for poor security merely because you want 
to control what your family can and can't see on the internet is...
Well, confusing.

This is a nightmare for anyone who wants their Internet connection content 
filtered. Content filtering by it's very nature requires a man in the middle. 
The https protocol is supposed to guarantee that there isn't a man in the 
middle. Some countries evidently will prosecute you if you filter https 
connections. If I'm a business owner or a home owner running a network at home, 
what am I supposed to do?

If your a small business, and you want to monitor and control your employees, 
you could start by hiring trustworthy employees, and then statically configure 
their browsers to use the proxy, and block WAN access at the firewall.

If your a home network administrator... You could try trusting your family... 
Trust begets trust...

Or, you can be the Man in the Middle... If that causes you ethical concerns, 
maybe you should think twice about your goals.
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