Okay, got my machine up and running and trying to get the server stuff set
up.  First, I'm working on the NTP server part of things. This is a field
network with no Internet access, so I am providing time synchronization via
ntp with a GPS USB puck. Basically, I have it all working when I run things
manually. However, when I boot up or restart the computer, gpsd and ntpd
are not coming up as desired.

What I want:
$ ps ax | grep gps
13878 ?        S<sl   0:04 gpsd -n /dev/ttyUSB0
$ ps ax | grep ntp
13897 ?        Ss     0:00 ntpd -gN

What I get on reboot:
$ ps ax | grep gps
 3297 ?        S<s    0:09 /usr/sbin/gpsd -N
$ ps ax | grep ntp
 3314 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -u ntp:ntp -g

Apparently, there is some place I need to configure so these things start
with the right parameters. However, I have not played with CentOS for about
5 or 6 years, I am old and suffer from CRS, and simply cannot remember
where to do this.

I can kill the gpsd and ntpd processes and restart them from command line
and things work fine, but they don't on initial boot.

Thanks for your ideas.

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