The first thing I would try is to check if the system receives events from the
buttons/wheel/... whatever that contraptions of yours have:

lsusb - should show your device - you can increase verbosity with -v or -vvv or
even -vvvvvv

ls /dev/input/by-id/* - should show your device too
Example of mine:
kbd         /dev/input/by-id/usb-Dell_Dell_Universal_Receiver-if01-mouse
mouse  /dev/input/by-id/usb-J8AF926V8_Integrated_Camera-event-if00

see if you get data from your raw device (example mine)
sudo cat /dev/input/by-id/usb-Dell_Dell_Universal_Receiver-if01-mouse

now - if you press the buttons, move the wheel/ball you should observe some
response in the terminal.
Ctrl-C will get you out of the cat /dev/....

If you observed responses on your not working buttons/wheel/... events you
should be able to configure/map those to work with some google-fu.

Maybe start here:

links above courtesy of:

Hope it helps,

On Fri, 2019-07-05 at 15:36 -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I've discovered there is no working 'middle' button to paste highlighted text
> with my new Kensington Orbit trackball with scroll ring. The left button
> highlights text and the ring scrolls scrollable pages up and down. I've no
> idea what the right button does as I've not tried using it. But, when I
> highlight text with the left button I cannot paste it to another virtual
> terminal or application. Pressing both left and right buttons does nothing.
> The software disk that came with the unit is for only Windoze and Macs.
> Searching the web for button controls (to be entered in
> /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf) finds nothing but copies of the
> one-page 'users manual' and vendors selling the item.
> I found a web page on setting button mappings for the Kensington Slimblade
> (for Ubuntu, but it's the same config file on Slackware) and would like to
> find Orbit Scroll Ring button mappings I can put in 10-evdev.conf so I can
> make the left-right button chord be the middle button that pastes
> highlighted text. I find information on the company's Slimblade and Expert
> Mouse but not on the Orbit w/scroll ring.
> Help appreciated,
> Rich
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