> Last Sunday at the Clinic I did a dist-update on my Xubuntu 16.04 - an
> update, not an upgrade to 18.04. After rebooting everything works
> perfectly, except Firefox. The update installed a new version of Firefox
> so I now have Firefox Quantum 68.02 64-bit, 'Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu
> canonical 1.0.' I recall seeing some security updates flash by during
> the update also, but I didn't take note of exactly what they were.
> Either Firefox or the security updates has made Firefox unusable. It
> launches and appears to run fine, but no web pages can find the
> internet.

This is a long shot, but I am seeing some odd behavior from FireFox
on FreeBSD after my FreeBSD 12.0 release update, and in normal mode
firefox does indeed seem to hang on almost everything, but if I
open a second tab, go to that tab, and then back to the original
tab.. wham it renders.

Try it, could be firefox has some strang stuff going on..
could be I got a busted BSD.

Useful data to debug would be are there any DNS queries coming
from firefox to your dns servers, do they look appropriate and
are they getting answers.

And further does a connect request go out towards the right IP?
Could of it tried to proxy itself up wrongly? 

> After hours of poking at things I discovered a solution - launch
> Firefox in Safe Mode. In Safe Mode all web pages find the internet and
> function as before. Unfortunately, Safe Mode disables all extensions
> and add-ons. They are still installed and I can see the list, but all
> are marked 'disabled.' Now, logically, I should just re-enable them one
> at a time, until I find the culprit. But in their wisdom, while in Safe
> Mode, Mozilla made it impossible to re-enable any add-ons, or even add a
> new one.
> Thinking I was being very clever I closed Firefox and re-launched it in
> normal mode. As before, no web page could find the internet. Then I
> went into the list of extensions and manually disabled each one, then
> shut down and re-started Firefox. All my add-ons remained disabled, but
> web pages still could not find the internet.
> I scoured the Ubuntu forums, but apparently I am the only one in the
> history of Ubuntu that this has happened to. Ditto for all the Help
> pages and forums at Mozilla.
> I have also poked at the security settings in Firefox, including making
> them match Chromium (as best I could), but so far no luck. Chromium, of
> course, continues to function normally, and in spite of the fact that
> the dist-update also included a new version of Chromium.
> I'm out of ideas. :(  Suggestions welcome!
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