Quoting Johnathan Mantey <mante...@gmail.com>:

What has changed that is prompting this endeavor?

SBC -> Single Board Computer

RTC -> Real time computer running MS-DOS 6.22.

GUI -> Graphical User Interface running Windows 98SE and Q-Soft.

The operating systems the RTC and GUI depend on are long ago abandoned.

My brother has a QSP-2 that depends on MS DOS and Windows 98SE. We are doing our best to get SBCs working that will run these OSes directly, but keep in mind that compatible hardware is getting old.

If we could abandon unsupported operating systems in favor of current, supported, and open source operating systems; that would be ideal. If we could even emulate a Windows 98SE compatible computer that would be useful as it would increase the types of SBCs we could use and we could use ones with less age on them.

If wine could support access to the shared memory card and run Q-Soft... we wouldn't have to fight Windows 98SE at all. Trying to find out if Q-Soft can run under wine, there is no entry in the Wine compatibility database for it. It is truly an unknown and it is unlikely because of the rare ISA shared memory card made by Tyco. A few of these Tyco made QSP-2 pick and place machines exist and are functional.

We think we can get two pentiums or pentium pros that don't need special drivers going for the RTC and GUI, though this will require 3.3V power from the AT power supply to the PCI connector on the SBC. As far as the 486 we have, it isn't starting up for some unknown reason. The GUI backplane already has 3.3V power added(a buck converter inside the AT power supply.). We implemented the optional AT connector on the PICMG 1.3 GUI backplane for 3.3V power.

If anyone has a 486 SBC that works on an ISA backplane, we could use that.
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