Yesterday, I saw three messages on plug list that were very provocative. I use 
plug because I am a computer scientist and I have an expectation that sexually 
provocative messages won't be there. I believe Susan is in the archive for 
yesterday 3 times. I am formally requesting that her comments which seemed very 
direct be removed from the archive. I have a problem with her hey sweetie prove 
to me that you are real and her, I have a husband so don't respond to me here. 
A decent man might complain a bit, but not be affected in any way. Frankly, the 
comments are suggestive and creepy too. The terms of use should bar sexually 
suggestive comments on plug. If they don't, I will have to find another list 
that will moderate this out. At best the comments are a crude and inappropriate 
joke. At worst, someone is trying to create a problem for me specifically or 
men on the list more generally. Meanwhile, I need to see about engaging squid 
again with a url list of anything that opendns w!
 on't filt
 er out that I can't forget. I disengaged squid and dansguardian because they 
weren't working well and my hard drive was filling up.

-- Michael C. Robinson

Apologies for putting this on the list, I can't reach the list manager.
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