If the data in question hasn’t been accessed recently (the 15m of tx you 
reversed), then there shouldn’t be any issue.

3x 4T would give you either: 1 RAIDZ, 1 mirror + spare. RAIDZ has been 
recommended against for a good decade now. I’d suggest RAIDZ2. It has a minimum 
of 4 requirement.

Since you’ve been using the zpool command already, run ‘zpool status <pool 
name>’. You should see a line ‘config:’ and below that, your disk layout.

Creating a pool of mismatched drive sizes will technically work, but isn’t 
optimal or recommended. Given that you have 3x4T, I’d suggest getting a 4th one 
and build your RAIDZ2 that way.

> On Oct 1, 2019, at 12:30 PM, mich...@robinson-west.com wrote:
> I learned to use the zpool command from a command line and did a 15 minute 
> reversal of the transactions.
> How much damage if any has been done though to my data? Most of it I can 
> replace most likely, but some of it
> which is 635 gigs or so of tarballs is potentially important. I stored sha512 
> sums and md5 sums of the tarballs
> along with them... these backups haven't been evaluated for what is important 
> and what isn't. I can probably trim
> that 635 gigs down to something more reasonable. I backed up an old Linux 
> system for my brother and while he
> has a copy on 2 synology nas, my copy is still important.
> I have three 4 tb drives in the FreeNAS Mini, is this enough for redundancy? 
> Should I get an 8 TB drive in an
> external enclosure and hook it via USB3? I'm wondering what kind of raid is 
> going on, I only know that the drives
> use the ZFS file system.
> I learned about smartctl as well, but I don't know how to get and interpret 
> the results of a long test. I want to know
> how the drives are doing. I'm updated to FreeNAS 11.2 U6.
> BTW: I appreciate the offer of help offline if I call a phone number, but 
> with the Sara spam on the plug list I couldn't
> trust the phone number.
> -- Michael C. Robinson
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