On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 14:34:12 -0700 (PDT)
Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> dijo:

>Bring some DVDs to the next clinic: John usually has an external drive
>with a bunch of different distros on it and can burn some disks for


I'm the 'John' referenced above.

I maintain on my computer the latest Ubuntus (all flavors), and Mint
(all flavors). And for Ubuntu I also have releases going back a couple
of years. I also maintain the latest OpenSuse, Fedora and Slackware,
plus various rescue and utility distros. In addition, I have gigabit
internet and no download limits, so I would be happy to download
anything else you have an interest in. Just reply here and consider it

I can put any of these on USB sticks or DVDs, making them bootable so
you can use them to try out the distro before installing it. And at the
Clinic we have me and various others who can help with the installation
if problems or questions come up.

The downside is that you have to wait until the next Clinic, which will
be Sunday, September 20, 1-5 pm. Or, if that is impossible for you, I
am at Portland State this term on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from
about 10 am until 1 pm. We could meet and I could give you the
distro(s) you want on DVDs.

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