On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 5:56 AM Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com>

> On Mon, 4 Nov 2019, Michael Barnes wrote:
> > If the printer is giving itself a 168.254.x.x address, I would check the
> > network connections and be sure the printer can see the DHCP server to
> > request an IP address lease.
> Michael,
> My network uses static IP addresses. Few hosts that are not changed (until
> one fails and is replaced by another with the same hostname and IP
> address.)
> Thanks,
> Rich

You say that your network only uses static addresses, which means that you
have programmed the IP address in each device on your network. But you said
the settings page from your printer said it had If you
actually did program the printer for a static IP address, that means that
somewhere along the line you purposefully set it to As
previously stated, I am no expert, but, to my knowledge, the 169.254.x.x
range are Link-Local addresses automatically assigned by DHCP clients when
they are unable to reach a DHCP server. Most routers will not accept those
addresses for a local network, so nothing on your network would be able to
talk to each other. Local networks use addresses in the 192.168.x.x,
172.16.x.x, or 10.x.x.x blocks. Therefore, one of several things has
happened. Somehow, your printer has been reset to factory defaults to turn
on the DHCP client and use a dynamic IP address, somebody hacked or
otherwise fooled with your printer to set a stupid IP address, or I need to
go back to networking school because things have drastically changed since
I have been setting up networks.

BTW, the address is a public IP address, possibly the WAN
address assigned to your modem/router by Frontier. It is weird that you get
that response from your ping, as, usually, the ping command originates from
your computer and shows its own IP address, for example:

michael@Desk-3 ~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable

where is the address of the computer I used to issue the ping
command. Unless maybe you are using your server which is somehow connected
directly to the Internet and assigned its own public IP by Frontier, which,
AFAIK, is pretty unusual.

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