Someone at the clinic had a question about configuring a private nameserver
that was not responding to requests.
The basic troubleshooting step, if you have access to the dig utility, is
to use the dig utility as shown below.

dig @ google.com

replace IP address with the IP address of your private nameserver
replace google.com with a host that you have configured in named.conf

If you still don't get the answer you expected, there could be a problem
with the named.conf
One way that I did not consider at the time was to use another working
nameserver to get a conf file to compare to.
If you have access to a web hosting service that uses the Plesk control
panel for example,
configure the private namserver using their interface, then copy the
resulting conf file after you've made the changes.

Make a comparison between the Plesk-generated conf file and the one that
you are troubleshooting using diff or manually.

Caveats that I can think of....

Plesk might not be using the same nameserver that you are using, i.e. BIND
Plesk only works with routeable IP's if I understand correctly

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