Hi all,

This could just be extreme paranoia on my part, but it's worth the

I see that several PLUG members are researching an alternative to in-person
meetings. One option that was mentioned was FreeConferenceCall.com.

Out of curiosity, I casually looked this up via an online search and was
given 2 hits.


Both websites appear very similar, but do not obviously reference each
other. I do not believe they are the same company despite very similar

I smell bullshit. Someone is copying someone else, and while I don't know
if this is a legitimate attempt at competition or direct attempt to deceive
users, I'm not using either service.

IMO both of these services present a potential for identify theft that goes
above my tolerance levels. There are other fish in the sea when it comes to
conference calling.

As much as I'd love to participate in video sharing for PLUG meetings, I
believe we all have an obligation to properly inspect the services we
recommend. Given the situation, I advise EXTREME caution.
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