I have the impression that pulseaudio-ctl and pavucontrol have similar
functions over audio input and output, but each might be better for each
situstion. Your comments will help.

pulseaudio-ctl appears (no pun intended) to focus on defining what
components are available. 'Sources' are microphones and 'sinks' are speakers
and headphones. I used it to unmute sources when I plugged in a USB
microphone, and set the maximum volume level to 100%. Instructions for
changing values are presented but the application displays them and current
settings and returns me to the shell control; keys don't work. Passing them
on the command line when invoking the tool does work.

pavucontrol opens a dialog box with three tabs: Output devices, Input
devices, and Configuration. I use this tool to adjust sound levels for
microphones and speakers/headphones. On my desktop there are two output
devices: HDA ATA HDMI Digital stereo display port which is unplugged (and
I've no idea for what it could be used) and HD-Audio Generic Analog Stereo
which is plugged in and now poweres the speakers. Plugging in the headset
to the front panel ports offers control options for them.

Are my impressions correct? Have you advice on their use based on your more
extensive experiences?

Stay safe this holiday,


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