On Tue, 30 Jun 2020 06:10:14 -0500
Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:

> On 06/29/2020 12:22 PM, Mike C. wrote:
> >>  
> >>> When you start the installer if you choose the Expert
> >>> installation (I believe under advanced section) or if you press
> >>> the Escape key and type expert at the boot prompt you can get a
> >>> very minimal system installed although there will be a few more
> >>> questions that you have to answer along the way.
> >>>
> >>> The trick is when you get to the package selection screen to
> >>> uncheck everything except for Standard System which will give you
> >>> only a basic system with no gui.
> >>>  
> >>
> >> A very fine workaround. Been doing that for years for different
> >> problems <GRIN>
> >>
> >> My current problem is the official Debian installer is effectively
> >> broken. It forces you to accept packages which the repository tags
> >> as "recommended". The problem is those packages prevent *ME* from
> >> using *MY* system for *MY* intended purposes and workflow
> >> <*GRUMBLE*>
> >>
> >> So I'm looking for what *I* consider a *WORKING* installer ;/
> >>  
> > 
> > The ReduceDebian Wiki page might help you get closer to where
> > you're trying to go. https://wiki.debian.org/ReduceDebian  
> In my jaundiced view, that page gives an excellent introduction in
> how to fix the broken system the installer left on my hardware <end
> rant ;>
> It does present the information in a pattern that will be useful when
> I actively pursue using debootstrap as my "installer". I've held off
> on that, not wanting to create a berserker fraken-Debian.
> > 
> > It includes resetting "install-recommends" and "install-suggests"
> > to 0 in the apt.conf file  
> That applies only to adding to an already installed system.
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How about Devuan? You can install any window manager you want if you
get the netinst cd, no dependence on systemd

/  During a visit to America, Winston     \
| Churchill was invited to a buffet       |
| luncheon at which cold fried chicken    |
| was served. Returning for a second      |
| helping, he asked politely, "May I have |
| some breast?"                           |
|                                         |
| "Mr. Churchill," replied the hostess,   |
| "in this country we ask for white meat  |
| or dark meat." Churchill apologized     |
| profusely.                              |
|                                         |
| The following morning, the lady         |
| received a magnificent orchid from her  |
| guest of honor. The accompanying card   |
| read: "I would be most obliged if you   |
\ would pin this on your white meat."     /
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