I will, reluctantly, try to answer - This is how ZFS or systemd flame wars
starts - it brings the worst of the people.

To be honest, I am truly alarmed by you bringing zfs and FUD into this - it
seems that one hand you are asking because of no experience with btrfs and ZFS -
then in the same breath you already know that it is not good enough and too
fancy ..... You get the point of what I am worried about.

1. I only have good experience with btrfs, I use(d) it personally and at scale
in enterprise.

2. My needs are pretty basic as far as btrfs goes - basic native redundancy,
like most - I use mdraid for raid, deduplication, do not use compression, CoW,
snapshots, snapshots, ..... did I say snapshots enough, volume resizing both up
and down, adding and taking away storage, power cuts, forced power downs, sub-
volumes, not CoW for VM block storage, SSD TRIM.

3. OS disks: It is default openSuSE/SLE install choice for about 5 years now -
it is huge added value due to well integrated snapshots and roll-back. In short
- every update, install or yast config change creates new snapshot - you can
totally boot into then by picking one from Grub menu. You can restore snapshots
on running system in seconds without the hassle of restoring from a backup disk.
When experimenting with SW install and/or OS config - I can install, configure
things, experiment as much as I like then revert to an earlier shapshot
returning the OS to the original stable state.

4. Bulk Data storage: .snapshots take fraction of a second to create and
destroy. They are essentially free. You can make a snapshot every hour, keep 1/6
of them per day, then 2 a week, one per month ..... it does not slow down
anything, it does not duplicate data. All you need is the disk space for deleted
/changed data until it falls off the snapshot train.

5. Backup: You can send snapshots to remote btrfs storage - this is totally
awesome - make a snapshot send it to backup filer/target - only the differences
from previous snapshot gets transferred. You change 10GB in 10TB volume - only
the 10GB is transferred - no need to crawl the file systems on both ends with
rsync + compare and then transmit the whole files which changed. btrfs snapshots
knows what bytes changed - it only sends them and fast.

6. raid - use mdraid on linux like everyone else - then create volume on the top
of that and format it with btrfs. Raid is not the hot selling feature for both
btrfs nor zfs - redundancy is - you just tell the file system how many data
replicas you want - btrfs/zfs will oblige.

7. no CoW for VM block storage - does not even need own sub-volume anymore - it
is just an attribute on file or directory. The same applies for native

8. You can add and !remove! (shrink) storage from volume that is awesome.

9. reliability - I run weekly scrubs - have not experience any error reports,
ever, in my 5-ish years using it. And it has lost power, and it has lost disks.
In the same time, I have experienced maybe 2-3 ext3/4 fsck fixes - which
probably means that, in my experience, it is as reliable as ext4 or reiserfs I
used to use in pre-mature-ext journaling days. 

Most of the time I do not know about btrfs - until I accidentally
delete/overwrite data or update/install something I would rather not. Only then
- I know about btrfs. I do not think about ransomware - having configured
regular automatic data snapshots - I guess, I would run out of diskspace if
something tries to encrypt all my data - the old data would be in the snapshots
for weeks - scrambled data would fill the disk(s) alerting me to the fact.

Most of the above - maybe with the exception of shrinking volumes - applies to
also to ZFS. I do not run solaris or *bsd* anymore and the big O corp will
probably remain legal threat forever (just ask anyone running their SQL or the
big G corp how they love it) - so it makes sense to use btrfs on linux. If
Fedora chips in - it might get even better at faster rate.

I am not sure if this non technical opinion piece is what you asked about -
btrfs is just a modern file system - install openSuSE from scratch and you will
be using it too.

If you do not know why you need it - you will not notice it - unless something
breaks you OS install or you delete a file accidentally. Then, you will probably
realize that you have plenty automatic OS snapshots, but you did not configure
any snapshots for your data.

Hope that helps,

On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 21:12 -0700, Tom wrote:
> Would you mind sharing your experience if you go this route? I tried
> btrfs a few years back in my testing did not find it to be mature or
> reliable enough to trust my data with and continued using OpenZFS. I
> don't know if much has changed but I think the raid write-hole is still
> a problem for btrfs. If I were you and your not doing anything fancy
> where ext4 works for you I'd keep that. If you require fancy filesystem
> features I'd use ZFS instead of btrfs. But please do let us know how
> btrfs works for you.
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