I wish to replace a Mediasonic 2-bay hard drive enclosure that contains
two WD red drives, one of 6TB (about 4 years old and the other of 8TB
(about three years old), set up in a stripe set with the RAID software
built into the Mediasonic. For some reason that I've never been able to
figure out my computer sees the Mediasonic as 10TB. According to the
Mediasonic instructions if you make a stripe set of unequal drives you
will get double size of the smaller one, so I should get 12TB, not
10TB. Oh well, there is still 3TB free space, and I'm going to replace
them anyway, so it's not worth my effort to do anything about it.

The Mediasonic stripe set is backed up to a Synology NAS on the other
side of the room. The Synology contains two 8TB WD red drives (both
about three years old), also in a stripe set, which my computer sees as

According to my memory the warranty on the drives was five years, but
when I search on WD red drives now they seem to be rated at three
years. My plan is to replace the Mediasonic first, and eventually the
drives in the Synology. I would like additional storage in the
Mediasonic replacement, say 20TB, which I want to be solid state. For
the Synology I will just replace the drives with two 10TB drives and
keep the enclosure. The Mediasonic enclosure has to go away, because it
can take only 3.5" drives. Plus, it is SATA3, which is currently
connected to my computer by USB3.0 (5Gbs). When I originally set it up
that was about the fastest my old computer could do, but my current
computer has Thunderbolt 3 ports, and I'd like to take advantage of

So basically, I'm shopping for 20TB worth of solid state drives, and a
Thunderbolt 3 capable enclosure for them. I started looking online, but
web site designers leave out half the information that I need, and the
search options are useless. Plus, I want solid state drives for their
speed, but I don't understand what kind I need. I need some education.

So does anyone here have any experience with this stuff? I need
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