On Wed, 30 Dec 2020, Matt McKenzie wrote:

For non-overclocked use, I typically would go with at least 1 fan in each
sector- 1 in front, 1 up top, 1 in rear. But the more the merrier, more
won't hurt anything. Plus with more fans you can keep them running a
little slower, thus quieter. My current NZXT case I have 2 in front, 1
top, 1 rear, and the CPU has its fan.


No, the system is not overclocked. But, after thinking more abuout it, I
don't know that I really need more fans. The CPU cooler has 2 large fans and
the GPU has one fan. All previous desktops (from the first Epson 8088 on up)
have lasted for years with the single fan supplied with the case and the CPU
fan that came with the processor.

The little manual provided with the case is the first time I've seen extra
fans mentioned that that got me wondering.

Noise vs airflow is a matter of preference really, especially with a
non-overclocked setup. Overclocked you would want MAX SPEED and MAX FLOW
and basically just use headphones to get over the 747 on your desk ;)

Yeah, I'd go for quiet, too.

Brands, well there are a lot. Some come with fancy shmancy "RGB" lights
even (I don't bother myself).

Try finding components without the flashing lights that seem to be a
requirement for those who use computers to play games. Very difficult.

Thanks very much for the information.

Stay well and have a great 2021,

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