Is there a way to add an alias name for an
ethernet interface, while keeping the system
assigned name (visible with tools like "ip") ?

As I upgrade my machines from ancient distros, one
irritation is the renaming of the first and only
ethernet interface from the simple name "eth0" to
enp6s0 (on machine A) or enp12s0 (on machine B)
et cetera ... not consistent between machines. 

That makes some of my old shell scripts fail, which I've
used on multiple machines for decades.  I'd rather not
"learn a new trick" if I can safely use the old one.

There are ways to rename the interface back to eth0, but
I assume this breaks other things, and that the rename
process may be removed from future distros for that reason.


* Is there a reliable ip name aliasing technique that ADDS
* a name alias that I choose (like eth0) to an ethernet 
* interface IN ADDITION TO the charmingly human-hostile
* name chosen by the Linux Fashion Gods?

Examples please.


( I'd like you to meet my daughter "df12s0", named "Ethel"
at birth by my ex-wife )

Keith Lofstrom
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