I can almost guarantee that if you try and report this bug to debian you will be asked the following:

Can you describe the error in one or two sentences?

Can you provide a bullet pointed list of steps required to reproduce the error?


On 3/7/21 4:08 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
About a decade ago my ISP decided to terminate their dial-up service.
I had seen someone connecting their laptop to the web using a device with the form factor of a USB flash drive. I liked the portability. A T-Mobile salesman actually listened to my description. The device I described was not available but he described their HotSpot. I had no need of a LAN nor WiFi, and its WiFi could be programmatically be disabled.

Current situation:
I have replaced the original with an Alcatel Linkzone. My plan has a 2GB data cap (essentially infinite for someone used to dial-up ;). Due to that data cap and personal preference I purchase a DVD set for each named release of Debian. They are now more conveniently packaged a single flash drive.

The problem:
Recently it would have been convenient to have the latest point release immediately available on a new machine. I attempted to use the netinst.iso . It failed to connect to web to download desired packages.

There is no similar problem on machines already running Debian.
   *NOTE BENE* no non-free drivers have been required.
I tried to use the ISO on a machine already running Debian with the same failure mode.

I suspect the problem is related to the screen references using DHCP to discover your internet connection. It doesn't bother me that "automatic" fails. I tried manual mode with no success (ALSO found no detailed instruction for manual mode).

I could try installing on this machine which would allow simple access to error logs. Which log/logs would be relevant?


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