On Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 05:08:18PM -0700, Jason Barnett wrote:
> The downside to SSDs is that when they fail, they rarely give warning. They
> just stop working.  It is very important to keep frequent backups to deal
> with this.

I expect that, and do "full" rsync backups every night, and
a second "full" backup to a different machine every week. 
dirvish.org, which I maintained for more than a decade.

The backup machines and drives are on (separate) medical
grade isolation transformers(*), hence protected from most
power-line faults, even lightning direct to the pole.

Diagnosing a drive failure, then restoring to a new drive
from backups, is time consuming, so I would rather spend
an extra $200 for a twice-as-reliable drive. 

But what is reliable, and what is fake?  Unfortunately,
the extra $200 must be discounted by vendor mendacity.


* Note to thieves - the transformers are 200 pounds and
bolted high on a concrete wall, behind a lot of heavy
steel shelves.  A theft will take days.  You will pay
more to rent the fork lift than you will get for the
transformers (which I bought as scrap and repaired).

Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com

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