On 2/14/22 15:55, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Mon, 14 Feb 2022, Dick Steffens wrote:

Thanks. I'm trying things other than Firefox to see of Firefox has
anything to do with my system sluggishness.


Have you watched top for a while? You might consider reading the 'nice' man page and setting firefox (or whatever seems to be bogging down you system)
to a higher-priority nice value.

Yes, I have been watching top. I have Firefox open right now, but not looking at anything. I am seeing things I don't expect, like rm and rsync. When I visit a webpage, Isolated Web Co shows up, and I know that's a Firefox thing, but I don't know what it's actually doing. It goes away when I close the YouTube page.

Most of the time, the sluggishness appears as a "long" time between when I click into a window and can actually see something happening. Example, I started Firefox and went to YouTube, but didn't select anything to look at. Then I clicked back into this email. It was 10 or more seconds before I could edit again.

I'm going to try the same drill with Chromium and then later Brave, and see if I get similar results.


Dick Steffens

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