Having completed the dist-upgrade from Xubuntu 20.04.x to 22.04.1 I am
in the process of tidying up. And over the years I have collected way
too many fonts, installed by programs whose developers think it's OK to
pollute their users' computers. For the past couple of hours I have
nuked about a third of the fonts, but in the process I have done
something evil to my main workhorse font, which I can no longer access.

The font (four .ttf files) resides in ~/.fonts. But it turns out that
none of the fonts in that folder appear in applications, e.g., LO
Writer. Looking at the results of 'fc-cache -fv' I find the line:

        /home/jjj/.local/share/fonts/Unknown Vendor: skipping, looped
        directory detected

OK, the vendor is Mark Shuttleworth. Isn't that good enough?


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