On Wed, 7 Sep 2022 07:03:37 -0700
Michael Barnes <barnmich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There are all kinds of strange horror stories about weird things happening
> to computers during Zoom meetings. People have experienced configuration
> changes, unusual file uploads and downloads, spyware, hacked bank accounts,
> stolen information, etc. There have been several FBI investigations into
> Zoom over this. 

Do you have any articles about that, or links to more info? I also don't use 
Zoom on my
computer, though can't really afford a second one to quarantine Zoom on it. But 
it'd be
nice to learn about some evidence instead of just the natural suspicion when 
brandishes a scalpel then tells you to lay down and expose your belly, and 
you're not
allowed to know why.

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