Hello again,

A lot has changed since PLUG last met in person back in ...

March of 2020 when we had a home lab show and tell

* Work From Home went from a luxury to the norm, providing a slap in the face to disabled people who never doubted that it could be a thing.

* As a result, online literacy improved, for lack of a better term.

* Twitter, which I was using for PLUG announcements went kinda weird.

* The Fediverse rapidly went from a little known club of sorts to a compelling alternative.

* The company volunteering the PLUG hosting was bought, aiming to eventually move the site to a VMware environment.

* The cloud lost some of its shine with more and more self-hosted options emerging

That said, how, beyond maybe a web site from this century, do think PLUG should present itself to the world?

I don't envision it self-hosting services yet, especially the mailing lists, but I do encourage it to "dog food" open source software whenever possible. Are YOU on Mastodon/the Fediverse?

Do one of you want to shepherd a Facebook or LinkedIn presence beyond what is there already?

Are people still using Calagator? I see that it's still up and running and has events.

What other new and old resources should we consider?

David and I have always been in favor of simple solutions because they can be sustained for a decade or two with little maintenance. However... just last week I got a recorded meeting of a different topic posted to YouTube within hours of recording it. YouTube Studio has come a LONG way since I used it last and I should be able to finally get previous meeting recordings up. However... the YouTube factor remains: it is proprietary and a near-monopoly. Vimeo exists but I fear it would both paid and has far lower traffic.

There's my brain dump on these topics, what's yours?

All the best,

Michael Dexter
PLUG Volunteer

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